This section contains all you need to manage your notifications. A simplified edition of the notifications is directly available in the channels overview, but you need to come to this section to have access to all functionnalities.
Message notifications allow you to be informed by email when a message is processed by the Babelway platform. You can choose to be notified upon:
- Success: You are notified when message processing is fully completed, and is successful (when the message status is changed to Success).
- Failure: You are notified when the processing of a message is failed (when the message status is changed to Error).
A special notification, named Alert notification also allows you to be informed by email when an alert is generated by the Babelway platform. This notification cannot be deleted.
You can configure notifications in detail: recipients in case of error, recipients in case of success, texts, ...
As for all other elements, notifications can be managed centrally, and reused in many channels.