
    How to handle the exchange rate during document creation

    2646 1 创建于 2023-03-22 08:58:47 ; 最后更新时间:updated_at

    Exchange rates in Tradeshift depend on the Business Firewall that your customer may have set up, as well as your own country's tax requirements. This information will be required during document creation, and will display on the top right side of the creation page.

    To add the exchange rate, please follow the steps below:

    1. Fill in the currency of the invoice in the Currency field.

    2. The Exchange rate field should be filled according to the information provided by your Financial Department or your customer.

    3. The Currency field refers to your country's currency, when it is different from the invoice/currency to exchange.

    4. The following fields should be filled as follows:

    a. The Date of exchange rate must be aligned with the exchange rate value provided.

    b. The Converted tax total field refers to the total tax charged on the document. This should be a manual calculation by the user.

    c. The Converted document total field needs to be manually calculated as well and refers to the total amount calculated after the conversion based on the exchange rate.

    Upon sending the invoice, the information provided will be displayed as indicated in the below image reference:

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