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    How to send a questionnaire to Sellers

    1831 0 创建于 2020-08-13 09:09:09 ; 最后更新时间:updated_at

    To send a questionnaire to your Sellers individually, open the Network app and go to the My Network tab. Use the checkboxes on the left side to select the respective Sellers. Click on "Send Questionnaire" at the bottom of the page, after which you will be prompted to choose from your available questionnaires in the Published status. Click on Send.

    You can also add questionnaires to specific Seller groups from the Groups tab, meaning that all Sellers that are part of that group and any new Sellers that join will automatically receive the questionnaire.

    After your Seller completes the questionnaire you’ve sent them, a task will appear in your Task Manager for you to review their answers. This will also be visible on the Relationship View page, which displays the details of the relationship between your company and the Seller’s.

    Click on View Response to open their responses. The questionnaire content will be displayed in the chosen language of your account, even if the Seller has responded to it in a different language. You will need to approve or reject each question individually before being able to finish reviewing the questionnaire. If you reject an answer, then you would also need to provide a reason for doing that, which will act as feedback to the Seller. Moreover, if one question is rejected, then the questionnaire will be sent back to the Seller for corrections.

    When you are done, click on Submit. If you have rejected any of the answers, the status will change to "Awaiting Corrections" after clicking the button. You will then be able to review the answer again after the Seller has changed it by following the same process outlined above.

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