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    Invoice creation directly in Tradeshift

    142 1 Created on 2019-11-12 15:32:05; Last updated on 2022-07-01 13:01:11

    The following user guide describes how to:

    • Create an invoice directly in Tradeshift
    • Send the invoice to Novozymes



    Step 1


    Go to and log in to your Tradeshift account:




    Step 2


    Select the app "Create Documents" in the left-hand menu, and then select "Invoice":




    Step 3


    This creates a blank invoice form. First, you have to select the right Novozymes customer branch that you want to invoice. In this test example, it is "Novozymes A/S Denmark (Official Test Account)":




    Step 4


    Complete the necessary invoice details on both header and line level, and note that fields marked with * are mandatory.




    Step 5


    If you have an original invoice or other documents, they can also be attached: 




    Step 6


    Once you are satisfied that all information is correct, you send the invoice to the customer by pressing the "Send" button in the bottom right corner of the screen.




    Step 7


    All historical invoices and their status can be viewed by accessing the "Document Manager" app: 



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